Pig Latin

Andrew Wilson Brewer
1 min readJan 21, 2021

C# is an object oriented language. Personally I like how methods and variables feel more like there own separate items.

Public means that whatever was denoted “public” is accessible anywhere outside of itself. Static does not require a created object in order to be used. And void is used when not returning a value.

A value is a datatype which stores it’s data in itself, whereas a reference stores the location of where the data is held.

Sealed classes are classes that can be called, but cannot call classes from themselves.

Method overloading keeps identical names with different value types/data types.

This week I learned about the string.split() method and string.SubString() method, which both hand in hand are great for spicing up strings and characters.

c# is unmanaged code.

C# is Cross platform, object oriented, and in my opinion easier to understand on a beginner level.

split() can be used to break up a string from a certain char reference.

